Dedication of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple
Despite violent opposition and civil strife early on, Colombian Latter-day Saints have faithfully persevered since the first missionaries stepped foot in their country in 1966.
One returned missionary, who had served in Barranquilla in the 1980s, reflected on his time with the Saints there on the day of the Barranquilla temple’s dedication. “I think it is because of the strong will and the dedication of these types of people that the Lord has blessed them with a second temple,” he said.
At the dedication, President Dallin H. Oaks — first counselor in the First Presidency, who dedicated the house of the Lord on Dec. 9, 2018 — said, “This was a magnificent occasion at an extraordinarily beautiful temple. Sister Oaks and I were thrilled to be a part of this, and we pray for the Lord’s blessings to be upon the people of this nation and the work of the Lord here.”
Elder Mathias Held, second counselor in the South America Northwest Area presidency and a native of Bogotá, Colombia, was also in attendance at the dedication. “This day is so special for me because my German ancestors came initially to Barranquilla — this is where my family’s history in Colombia began,” said Elder Held. “But now that the temple is here, we can never take it for granted. We need to make sure we come here often.”
A Barranquilla member expressed a similar gratitude to that of Elder Held: “I feel so blessed today — we’ve looked forward to this Sunday since this temple was announced. I bought an apartment so close to the temple that I can walk; there’s no reason for me not to serve.”
Attending the dedication with President Oaks and Elder Held were Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Elder Enrique R. Falabella, president of the South America Northwest Area; Elder Hugo Montoya, first counselor in the South America Northwest Area presidency; and Elder Kevin R. Duncan, a General Authority Seventy. The visiting General Authorities were accompanied by their respective wives.
Dedicatory prayer excerpt: “Our Father in Heaven: We come to Thee in prayer on this great occasion when we will dedicate this Barranquilla Colombia Temple unto Thee and Thy Beloved Son, for Thy work and Thy glory. We thank Thee for Thy many blessings. We thank Thee for the plan Thou hast established for the eternal life of Thy children. We thank Thee for Thy Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for His Atonement for our repented sins, His Resurrection for our immortality, and His experiencing our pains and infirmities that He may succor us in those infirmities. We thank Thee for the Holy Ghost, who testifies of Thee and Thy Son and who leads us into truth.”
Read the dedicatory prayer of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple here.
Timeline of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple
The Barranquilla temple was announced Oct. 1, 2011, by President Thomas S. Monson. Just over four years later, a groundbreaking ceremony was held Feb. 20, 2016. An open house began on Nov. 3 and ended Nov. 24, 2018, then the house of the Lord was dedicated by President Dallin H. Oaks on Dec. 9, 2018.
Architecture and Design of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple
Located in the northern tip of Colombia, near the Caribbean Sea, the Barranquilla temple is a roughly 24,000-square-foot structure and stands at 107 feet tall. The exterior of the temple was made with limestone and has carved parapets, a dome and a cupola. The design of the temple highlights the neoclassic architecture found in the Republic period of Colombia.
Inside the temple are original glass art pieces, custom rugs designed with blue and gold Colombian motifs, wrought iron and bronze railings, crystal chandeliers and a grand staircase. The interior also incorporates the official flower of Barranquilla City — the rose hibiscus, also called “cayena” — carved in the wood and displayed in the glass throughout the temple.
Interior Photos of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple