
Lethbridge Alberta Temple

Announcement of the Lethbridge Alberta Temple

President Russell M. Nelson, 17th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced the Lethbridge Alberta Temple on April 2, 2023, during the Sunday afternoon session of April 2023 general conference. A fourth house of the Lord for the Canadian province of Alberta was among 15 announced worldwide.

For a missionary serving on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, the announcement of another temple for Alberta made her “super excited.” Sister Caroline Downey, who grew up in eastern Canada, was thrilled at the idea of her country getting a 10th temple.

“It’ll just be such a great resource,” she said soon after the announcement. “There are so many members out in Alberta, and there are three temples [in Alberta], but they’re kind of spaced out. So it [will] just be so great for them to have such a close place.”

Ground will be broken for the Lethbridge Alberta Temple on April 26, 2025, with Elder Randall K. Bennett — a General Authority Seventy and president of the Church’s North America Central Area — presiding.

Timeline of the Lethbridge Alberta Temple

Church President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Lethbridge, Alberta, on April 2, 2023, during April 2023 general conference. It was one of 15 temples announced — the fourth for Alberta and 10th for Canada.
A groundbreaking ceremony will be held for the Lethbridge Alberta Temple on April 26, 2025. Elder Randall K. Bennett, North America Central Area president, will preside over the ceremony.

The Lethbridge Alberta Temple was announced by Church President Russell M. Nelson on April 2, 2023. Just over two years later, ground will be broken for the temple on April 26, 2025, with Elder Randall K. Bennett presiding.

Architecture and Design of the Lethbridge Alberta Temple

According to site plans released by the Church on Sept. 5, 2023, the Lethbridge Alberta Temple will be a multistory building of approximately 45,000 square feet. The edifice will stand on a 9-plus-acre site on Mauretania Road West in the western portion of Lethbridge. Construction plans include an adjacent distribution center.

Architectural renderings of the house of the Lord show a gray exterior surrounded by tall, rectangular windows. A tall, arched window and a tower with a pointed spire stand above the entrance of the building.

Additional Facts

Fact #1
This will be the fourth Latter-day Saint temple in Alberta and the 10th for Canada.
Fact #2
When this house of the Lord was announced, Canada had approximately 200,000 Latter-day Saints among 500 congregations.
Fact #3
The closest temple to Lethbridge is currently the Cardston Alberta Temple, a distance of approximately 40 miles away to the southwest.
Fact #4
When the Lethbridge temple was announced, Canada was home to nine dedicated temples: three others in the province of Alberta, in Cardston, Edmonton and Calgary; and six others in Toronto, Halifax, Regina, Montreal, Vancouver and Winnipeg.
Fact #5
Alberta was the site of the first temple — the Cardston Alberta Temple, in 1923 — dedicated outside the United States. The Laie Hawaii Temple was dedicated in 1919, but Hawaii at the time was a U.S. territory.
Fact #6
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ was first preached in Canada when Joseph Smith Sr., the father of the Prophet Joseph Smith, crossed the U.S. border into eastern Canada. Over the next 20 years, some 2,500 Canadians were baptized. Cardston was settled by Latter-day Saints in 1887.

Quick Facts

2 April 2023
26 April 2025

Mauretania Road West
Lethbridge, Alberta

Additional Facts

Fact #1
This will be the fourth Latter-day Saint temple in Alberta and the 10th for Canada.
Fact #2
When this house of the Lord was announced, Canada had approximately 200,000 Latter-day Saints among 500 congregations.
Fact #3
The closest temple to Lethbridge is currently the Cardston Alberta Temple, a distance of approximately 40 miles away to the southwest.
Fact #4
When the Lethbridge temple was announced, Canada was home to nine dedicated temples: three others in the province of Alberta, in Cardston, Edmonton and Calgary; and six others in Toronto, Halifax, Regina, Montreal, Vancouver and Winnipeg.
Fact #5
Alberta was the site of the first temple — the Cardston Alberta Temple, in 1923 — dedicated outside the United States. The Laie Hawaii Temple was dedicated in 1919, but Hawaii at the time was a U.S. territory.
Fact #6
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ was first preached in Canada when Joseph Smith Sr., the father of the Prophet Joseph Smith, crossed the U.S. border into eastern Canada. Over the next 20 years, some 2,500 Canadians were baptized. Cardston was settled by Latter-day Saints in 1887.