Dedication of the Paris France Temple
In June 1998, President Gordon B. Hinckley, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, met with around 2,400 Latter-day Saints in Paris to discuss a house of the Lord in France. “The time has come when you deserve to have a temple among you,” he said, “and we’ll look for a place to build one.”
Church leaders searched for the ideal spot for a temple in France for years, eventually deciding on Le Chesnay, a southwestern Parisian suburb. President Gérald Caussé — president of the Paris France Stake from 2001 to 2007 — worked closely with Philippe Brillault, the mayor of Le Chesnay, and many other Latter-day Saints to secure a plot of land for the Paris France Temple.
On July 15, 2011, an official Church headquarters release announced that the Church hoped to build its first temple in France on property on the outskirts of Paris. The Paris France Temple was finally announced in October 2011 general conference by President Thomas S. Monson.
The Paris France Temple was finally dedicated on May 21, 2017, by President Henry B. Eyring, first counselor in the First Presidency. He was joined by Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Elder Larry Y. Wilson, executive director of the Temple Department; Elder Paul V. Johnson, president of the Church’s Europe Area; and Bishop Gérald Caussé, presiding bishop of the Church.
Dedicatory prayer excerpt: “Guard and fortify all who come here, and strengthen them against the forces of evil. Protect the youth, who are surrounded by temptations. Give them courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness. Give them a vision of the eternal purpose of their temple service for their ancestors, for their future families, and for themselves.”
Read the dedicatory prayer of the Paris France Temple here.
Timeline of the Paris France Temple
The Paris France Temple was officially announced in October 2011 general conference by Church President Thomas S. Monson. After an open house for the temple from April 22, 2017, through May 13, 2017, the temple dedication was held on May 21, 2017, and was presided over by President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency. A public groundbreaking ceremony was not held for the Paris temple.
Architecture and Design of the Paris France Temple
The 44,175-square-foot Paris France Temple is located in Le Chesnay, in the western suburbs of Paris. The exterior design has some similarities to the historical monuments and sights of the city and the neighboring Palace of Versailles, a 10-minute walk from the temple.
Landscaped gardens and courtyards decorate the temple grounds, with a statue of the Savior — modeled after the Christus statue — on the site. A visitors’ center is also located on temple grounds directly adjacent to the temple.
The interior of the temple features floral patterns in breathtaking art-glass windows and furnishings in French classical and Art Nouveau styles. Inside the temple are one baptistry, two sealing rooms and a celestial room.
Interior Photos of the Paris France Temple

| The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints